Victims of mesothelioma and their families could receive compensation from over $35 billion in asbestos trust funds.
Victims of mesothelioma and their families could receive compensation from over $35 billion in asbestos trust funds.
*Attorneys Fees & Expenses: $1,299,010
*Attorneys Fees & Expenses: $1,273,151
*Attorneys Fees & Expenses: $1,347,045
Taking on the giants responsible: Seeking justice for mesothelioma victims.
Mesothelioma has one known cause: asbestos exposure. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it means you or a loved one were exposed to asbestos at some point in your life. Whether in an industrial setting or because you lived in a home built in the 1970s, you were likely exposed without your knowledge or consent.
Because asbestos exposure is almost always the result of exposure to construction or industrial materials, that means employers and manufacturers are likely responsible for your illness.
Even if you have never worked in a factory, mesothelioma can develop from secondhand exposure. Sadly, mesothelioma takes decades to develop symptoms and is often not diagnosed until it is in the later stages.
The law firm of Bailey Cowan Heckaman PLLC has vast experience holding companies accountable for mesothelioma—even decades after the first exposure. Our team aggressively pursues every possible source of recovery for our clients, from their old employers to negligent construction companies.
For decades, Bailey Cowan Heckaman PLLC has been a dedicated personal injury law firm in the United States. With decades of experience, our firm is no stranger to taking on corporate giants for everyday people. Since then, we have continued to work for our clients, fighting tooth-and-nail to provide for their medical needs while making their voice heard in court.
Asbestos is a mineral that naturally takes the form of microscopic fibers that do not degrade, break down, or pass through your system. Instead, they embed themselves in the lining of your lungs, heart, abdomen, or testicles. Once embedded, they irritate the tissue and cause abnormal growth, which leads to cancerous tumors. This condition is what we call mesothelioma.
It takes several years for asbestos fibers to cause abnormal tissue growth in your organ lining. It takes even longer for abnormal growth to become a cancerous tumor. While you may have experienced minor respiratory symptoms, much of these signs go unaddressed for years. It isn’t until severe nausea or breathing issues affect patients that they see a doctor. By then, patients often have late stage cancer.
It is highly likely that your employer knew asbestos could cause you lifelong harm. The first report linking mesothelioma to asbestos exposure was published in 1899. While it took decades for researchers to corroborate, the U.S. discovered the link between asbestos exposure and cancer in 1934. The link between asbestos and mesothelioma has been strengthened since then, so by the 1950s plenty of factory owners and corporations knew the risk asbestos posed.
Because this is a fatal illness and developed over the course of decades, patients are entitled to years’ worth of medical treatment, as well as any imaging tests and other diagnostic expenses you’ve paid. More importantly, patients are entitled to enough money to pay for medical care for the rest of their lives. Non-economic damages (like pain and suffering) may also apply.
The secret to our success is having experience in nearly every hotbed of asbestos exposure. Through extensive research and investigation, we have identified and learned much of what there is to know about the types of job sites and other locations where people are commonly exposed to asbestos. A vast knowledge of asbestos products and sources is a large part of what our firm can bring to your case.
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